Oh, the taper…

This post is rated Olympians and Ironman. I HATE THE TAPER! (but love this photo courtesy of cooktraineatrace.com) If you have ever completed an endurance event lasting longer than 5 hours, you understand the importance of tapering. For months, we exhaust our bodies with countless hours in the pool, on the bike and in our […]

Step 6: Purpose!

And now for the moment, you have eagerly waited for…the 6th and final step in the PURPOSE process: This post is rated Sprinters, Olympians and Ironman. Have you ever heard that “life is not a destination, but a journey?” Then again, does your life feel like a journey on the path to your calling? The […]

Step 5: Passion

Welcome back, I hope you had a fantastic weekend! Today is step #5 of our 6 part PURPOSE series: This post is rated Sprinters, Olympians and Ironman. If (and when) you make it to this step, you are most definitely on the “home stretch!” It is not easy to persevere which is why the majority […]

Step 4: Perseverance

This just happens to be my favorite step (#4) in a 6 part series: This post is rated Sprinters, Olympians and Ironman. You are focused on your POTENTIAL and are in full PURSUIT. Most likely you have experienced PAIN….You have not allowed it to paralyze you because life is far too short to settle. When […]

Step 3: Pain

Post #3 of a 6 part series, hot off the press! This post is rated Sprinters, Olympians and Ironman. We are now halfway to our destination of PURPOSE. Yesterday we spoke about the PURSUIT of POTENTIAL. We agreed that practice is essential for developing talent. The PURSUIT is up to you but the outcome is […]

Step 2: Pursuit

This is the 2nd installment of a 6 part series: This post is rated Sprinters, Olympians and Ironman. Yesterday we spoke on the topic of POTENTIAL. Now that you have an idea of what that might be, the next step on way to PURPOSE is PURSUIT. Potential that is not pursued will result in wasted […]

World Class: “why not?”

This post is rated Sprinters, Olympians and Ironman. It doesn’t matter how insignificant you feel your role on this earth is, BE GREAT AT IT. If you are an assistant to a mid-level manager, make sure that manager feels like he could run through a brick wall! If you are a top level executive at […]

Wasted Talent

This post is rated Sprinters, Olympians and Ironman. Potential is nothing more than wasted talent. How would you like to make it to the end of your life to hear “he had so much potential?” What if you could have significantly impacted the world? What if your potential led to a breakthrough of some sort […]

Passion that Pays

This post is rated Sprinters, Olympians and Ironman. Paint me a picture of your perfect profession! What do you WANT to be paid to do? What would you do if money were no object? Go ahead, write it down….. What did you come up with? Superhero, Consultant to the Stars, Professional Athlete, Author/Speaker, Cutting Edge […]

Memorial Day: Boston Strong!

This post is rated Sprinters, Olympians and Ironman. Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for those American soldiers who fought and died during battle in service to our country. That much you probably know, BUT…. An interesting fact that I was unaware of, is that the official birthplace of Memorial Day is Waterloo, New York! […]


This post is rated Sprinters, Olympians and Ironman. What does competition do to you? Does it make you better or does it make you smaller? Let’s consider a series of contrasts as we work through this realization: Does it BOTHER you or BLESS you? Does it GROUND you or GROW you? Does it CRUSH you […]

Not Your Average Kitchen!

This post is rated Olympians and Ironman. Did you know that Powerbar has a mobile kitchen??? As a matter of fact I am quite certain that GU, Gatorade, Bonk Breakers and Ironman Perform do so as well. The endurance nutrition market today is GIGANTIC and these companies have positioned themselves in a way to capture […]

Race Day Redemption!

This post is rated Ironman. After reading my post on last weekend’s race in Panama City Beach, I hope you were expecting a turn-around? If that is indeed the case (ha,ha,ha!!!) then I am happy to report that redemption was had at Rev3 Knoxville this past weekend. Here a few pics as well as a […]

A Tale of 2 Bikes

This post is rated Olympians and Ironman. Don’t you just love a good bike? (I guess that does sound a little well….weird!) While I’m asking…what has been your favorite bike thus far in life? For those of you who have raced consistently for any period of time you understand that a great bike is hard […]

It Could Happen…

This post is rated Sprinters, Olympians and Ironman. What you are looking at is the manifestation of a dream in the automotive industry. Toyota is a title sponsor of the wildly popular Lifetime Fitness Triathlon series. Each year the series makes its rounds to the major cities of North America and draws tens of thousands […]