AID STATION: You have made an incredible commitment and are now well on your way to a changed life. Today, in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr Day…STOP AND CELEBRATE YOUR PROGRESS. Do not think about what lies ahead, at least not today. Think about how far you’ve come and get excited!
I cannot express enough how important incremental development is. In order to give yourself the greatest chance for long term success, you have to reward yourself along the way. You are not going to be a marathon runner, or Ironman triathlete overnight. As a matter of fact, you won’t be at the level even when you have accomplished the majority of fitness goal. Guess what though, THAT’S OK! You are further along the path than you were on January 1st and that my friend is well worth a celebration.
Get creative today as you think about how to celebrate your physical success thus far in 2014. Go see a movie, have a glass of wine, buy a new book on iTunes….JUST MAKE SURE YOU MAKE THIS MOMENT MEMORABLE.
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