Teach it

Today’s post is part 7 of a 10 part series: “10 Ways to Conquer Your Comfort Zone.” The best way to learn is to ______________. At some point in your life you have most likely heard this phrase. Teaching anything is a terrific way to retain that which you have just learned. In the context […]

Share it

Today is part 6 of a 10 part series, “10 Ways to Conquer Your Comfort Zone.” Comfort zones are highly individualistic. You may find a certain routine perfectly normal, even inviting where I can view it as preposterous. For some reason I feel the need to sweat as soon as I wake up which leads […]

Transform it

Today’s post is part 5 of a 10 part series: “10 Ways to Conquer Your Comfort Zone” At the root of transformation is change. I once heard a wise man say that unless you learn how to transform your pain, you will inevitably transfer your pain. I think this makes a lot of sense and […]

Scare it

Today’s post is part 4 of a 10 part series: “10 Ways to Conquer Your Comfort Zone” Halloween is only 4 days away so let’s discuss a spooky strategy today! Spiders and snakes terrify me. The sight of multiple legs extending from a scaly body are enough to do me in. A long slithering shape […]

Surprise it

Today’s post is part 3 of a 10 part series: “10 Ways to Conquer Your Comfort Zone” I live for the element of surprise! Fortunately my wife is an adventurer and regularly rolls with the punches! Do you know that I didn’t reveal the destination of our honeymoon until we were halfway there? Seriously, I […]

Fake it

Today’s post is part 2 of a 10 part series: “10 Ways to Conquer Your Comfort Zone” Now that you know your enemy, its time to go to work. The following series of posts will contain ideas for beating, outsmarting, confusing, tricking (call it what you will) your routine so that it will begin to […]

Name it

Today’s post is part 1 of a 10 part series: “10 Ways to Conquer Your Comfort Zone” The first step is to name your comfort zone. As Sun Tzu wrote in The Art of War, you must know your enemy first and foremost! So, visualize your comfort zone now… If you are currently anywhere other […]

10 Ways to Conquer Your Comfort Zone

By now we have beat the “surrender horse” to a bloody pulp! Either you’re with me or you’re not, but if you’re still reading its time to move on! What is about comfort that is so appealing? The origin of the phrase ‘comfort zone’ is very hard to track down and everyone has a personal […]