The Secret to a Smile

Its Not What You Think....

Do you consider yourself a funny person? When you are out with friends, are you the one sharing all the stories? Would it be safe to say that more often than not, you are the center of attention? If so, then why? Yes, why? Have you taken the time to consider why other people find […]

If You Care, You’ll Share

Ok, so I told you we were starting a new series today… Would you mind if I share one more thought before we get down to the details? On Friday, I wrote about passion. I even went so far as the show you my passion in play. I love the sport of triathlon and feel […]

Ready? Set? Go?

This post is rated Sprinters, Olympians and Ironman. What is the first word we hear when lining up to go? “To-go” can be anything from a race to simply starting your day, but it is hard to dispute the sequence of an age-old phrase: “Ready, Set…Go!” What does the world “ready” mean to you? (Let […]

Finish Strong…

This post is rated Sprinters, Olympians and Ironman. Today is the last day of April so let me ask you one simple question: “How are you going to remember this month at the end of the year?”” No matter how the first 29 days have gone, you are now in position to finish strong! If […]

Do You Really Want to Know?

This post is rated Sprinters, Olympians and Ironman. I recently returned from a speaking engagement in Midland, TX. I had the tremendous honor of interacting with a very special group. The leader of the group shared an insight that was profound enough to inspire this post. Before I go on, ask yourself how many people […]