Step 2: Pursuit

This is the 2nd installment of a 6 part series:

This post is rated Sprinters, Olympians and Ironman.

Yesterday we spoke on the topic of POTENTIAL. Now that you have an idea of what that might be, the next step on way to PURPOSE is PURSUIT.

Potential that is not pursued will result in wasted talent. Can you imagine making it to the end of your life and hearing your friends say “gosh, you had so much potential.” Personally, I cannot imagine hearing anything worse.

1. What are you doing to develop your potential, or talent?
2. How are you practicing?
3. Are you consistent?

How are you measuring your PURSUIT? Are you journaling, or are you waiting for the reactions of those you surround yourself with?

In the PURSUIT, you develop determination. Your commitment grows as you fine-tune your talent. This is the step where you fall in love with your potential and gain more “skin in the game.” The PURSUIT is all about character development and building an iron-will.

So now that you know what your PURSUIT looks like, you are in a perfect position to take on step #3. Tomorrow we talk about the 3rd “p” along the way…PAIN.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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