Exercise Casserole

This post is appropriate for Sprinters, Olympians and Ironmen/Ironwomen alike!

Statistics say that only 8% of people who make New Year’s Resolutions actually keep them. The large majority of those who don’t abandon them within the first week. So what does that say about you? I hope you’re not cussing me as you read!

I am going to assume that you are in the 8% and this marks the beginning of your 4th full work of exercise. I am guessing you might be a bit bored with your routine? Are you getting tired of doing the same old thing day after day? Of course, things are still new-enough and your motivation is in tact, BUT wouldn’t it be great to change it up a bit???

Allow me to introduce you to “Exercise Casserole!” What do we know about casserole? You don’t always know what it is sitting in a baking dish but you do know that it’s a combination of many different things! The same concept and design can be applied to your exercise routine. I know it sounds crazy, but it just might work!

And it goes a little something like this…..(hit it!)

10 minute walk or run on the treadmill

15 pushups

5 minutes on the stair climber

25 situps

10 minutes on the elliptical trainer

2 sets of 1 minute walking lunges

5 minute run on the treadmill





Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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