Are You Willing to Fail?

Failure gets far more credit than deserved. We cite failure regularly as the reason we never take action. What will the world think of my failure? How will failure affect my position in life? Will I be able to recover and move on as a result of my failure? Have you ever taken the time to name whatever it is you feel is failure? Chances are that your failure is gigantic in your own mind at this current moment in time….

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I want to focus on the other side of “failure.” I want to talk about the “what if” and the “why not.” Nothing about your situation will change unless you are willing to fail. Perhaps you are perfectly content with the trajectory of your life? If this is you, bravo; I am genuinely happy for you! In reality, we all recognize that life is full of ups and downs. It is much more likely to follow the flow of a roller coaster than a cross country train ride. For those of us who are not currently content with life in general, could we consider it a matter of unwillingness?? Further, could we agree that we desire to be better versions of ourselves for the benefit of those around us? Just think about what could be within your family dynamic? What if you left your unfulfilling job that occupies too much of your time than could otherwise be spent with those you love? What if you poured yourself into a passion for entrepreneurship and over time built a company that provided value in ways you never imagined possible? Are you willing to fail…YOU HAVE TO BE!

On Wednesday, I wrote about readiness and willingness. In reality we are never ready to start anything other than what is known and what is comfortable. The question is not whether or not we are ready, but rather are we willing. Today I hone in on the willingness to fail. Failure is part of the process; it is a non-negotiable. Failure is not final unless you quit before you get there (wherever “there” might be.) You must be willing to fail early and fail often because life is not perfect and it never will be.  A willingness to fail displays determination, tenacity and resiliency. A willingness to fail leads to greatness. A willingness to fail will force you outside of your comfort zone and keep you there. Remember that if you never experience failure, you have never really lived. I will close with a quote that a mentor shared years ago. It was so powerful that not only has it stuck with me all this time, but I find myself quoting it regularly in my mind and to others on an as-needed basis: