Sincere or Superficial

This last week, I found myself in a conversation with a good friend in Spokane, Washington. Each week he and I record a 20 minute “life lesson.” We began with the first letter of the alphabet and each week have developed themes based on the sequential order of the alphabet. This week our topic was […]

Retire from Retaliation

Just last week I was listening to a recent sermon by Louie Giglio on the Passion City Church podcast. Louie has been in a relationship series over the last several weeks and this particular topic took me by storm. I was so moved that I wanted to share the insight I gained with you today […]

Validation and Value

As human beings, we are social creatures by nature. We have needs that shape our values. We all have a story that is dying to be shared…. At the core of personal value is the need to be understood. In Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs this need comes just behind that of survival. The need to […]

Start at Your Finish Line

  Do you know where you’re going? Did you wake up this morning knowing exactly what you wanted to accomplish today? Have you ever thought about your intentions? What motivates you and why? This is difficult I know, but it’s something that needs to be addressed sooner rather than later. What would it feel like […]